Culture Bar Camp Program
A day full of workshops, discussions and impulses. They are briefly introduced before all workshops begin so please be there at 9am EST. You can offer something spontaneously on the same day.
We expect up to 3 sessions in parallel at the same time. Or more… then scheduled into the day’s programme according to interest. Participants are free to choose which session they would like to attend spontaneously. This event follows the rules of the “Open Space” method.
The “Culture Bar Camp” is a so-called participatory conference in which the participants determine themselves the content and the programme. We will explain more on Saturday and Sunday at 9am EST.
You can always suggest a workshop, such as a challenge you have in life for which you would like support, or a question you would like to share and find an answer to, or whatever else you would like to offer or share.
You are welcome to follow your Spirit!
SATURDAY 10th September
9am–9.45am EST Welcome and introduction to the Open Space process
10am–10.45am EST (Split into 3 rooms)
- “Human Culture Sharing” with Marianna Lasalle
- “The X-Game” with Susannah Rosenthal
- “A Space for You” example: Add a challenge you have in life and find support.
11am–11.45am EST (Split into 3 rooms)
- “Yes Quest Teaser” with Rusydah Ziesel
- “Intro to Turning Food Waste into Compost (Good Soil / Black Gold)” with Laksono Tribudimani
- “A Space for You” example: Add a challenge you have in life and find support.
Please see Program Descriptions below.
SUNDAY 11th September
9am–9.45am EST Welcome and introduction to the Open Space process
10am–10.45am EST (Split into 3 rooms)
- “Enhancing Your Charm & Personality” with Anggun Melati
- “Create your Avatar on spatial.io” with Susannah Rosenthal
- “A Space for You” example: Add a challenge you have in life and find support.
11am–11.45am EST (Split into 3 rooms)
- “1+1= 3 — Joining Forces makes us stronger together; Subud Village Community” with Ismanah
Schulze-Vorberg - “Writing Made Simple” with Leonardo Wild
- “A Space for You” example: Add a question which you would like share and find answers to.
- “1+1= 3 — Joining Forces makes us stronger together; Subud Village Community” with Ismanah
Please see Program Descriptions below.
Program Descriptions
10am–10.45am EST
“Human Culture Sharing” with Marianna Lasalle
Discussion on what is culture for you, what it means for you and how you see it in Subud.
“The X-Game” with Susannah Rosenthal
Join Susannah to play the X-Game where you explore your wishes for the future by discussing with fellow players the challenges and relationships you have with fellow players. This is a community brainstorming Game.
11am–11.45am EST
“YES Quest Teaser” with Rusydah Ziesel
The YES Quest is a program for 5 days; it offers space, tools and support to connect with your deepest self and the path to share your gifts and talents with the world. The Quest challenges you to truly reflect on your history and honestly connect with your current reality. It offers the tools to envision your future and find the action that will set you on your journey.
I cordially invite you to this YES Quest teaser. Let yourself be surprised what you can learn about yourself in 45 minutes. I am looking forward to seeing you!
“Intro to Turning Food Waste into Compost (Good Soil / Black Gold) ” with Laksono Tribudimani
Humans create food waste every day and it’s not always been the case that this food waste is recycled and processed into a valuable resource to grow more food.
I’m Laksono and very keen to help you recycle your food waste and other organic waste around your household.
10am–10.45am EST
“Enhancing Your Charm & Personality” with Anggun Melati
Do you ever feel awkward in amongst people?
Or feel like no one is listening or paying attention to you?
Learn how you can be not only socially acceptable, but also become the center of attention.
This workshop will teach you how to make you be more attractive, which of course will bring benefits in your personal and professional / business life. You will learn how to start and engage in conversation, also how leave a strong impression by becoming more memorable.
Make yourself and other people happier when you are around them! Believe it or not, this transformation simply starts with you!
“Create your Avatar on spatial.io” with Susannah Rosenthal
Spatial.io is an online free 3D VR platform.
I will meet workshop participants there and we can create our own avatars and have FUN with other avatars.
Join us and we will create an adventure for other avatars who meet us there.
Come create a space where you can meet your friends from around the world and build a community and HOME.
11am–11.45am EST
“1+2=3 Joining Forces makes us stronger together The Subud Village community platform” with Ismanah Schulze-Vorberg
The Creative Bar Camp Session is for both those who are already members of the Subud Village community and for those who would like to join to come together and create a shared understanding of how we would like to bring life into the community. How we can support each other to overcome challenges, grow inwardly and outwardly and bring our latihan into the world through our work. The Subud Village community platform is a space to find peers, mentors, to exchange ideas, explore ways for inner and outer growth, share our work, to put our intentions and visions to work. The process is to find our inner compass and…
- develop intentions, ideas, and visions (Zat);
- explore our talents, understand our nature, our needs (Sifat);
- start learning and working to put our ideas into action (Asma);
- and share our results / work, give and find inspiration (Af’al).
“Story Writing Made Simple” with Leonardo Wild
Would you choose to complicate your life if you could make it simple?
Story writing isn’t easy, but it can be made simple by knowing a few tricks of the professional writer that can be applied to any writing, not only to Story.
Doesn’t matter if you’re writing a novel, essays, short stories, papers, even screenplays, the insights I will share from over 30 years of writing will help you focus and structure your writing – applicable immediately.
Any Questions?
Please contact Rusydah at:
Are you in? Then click on the zoom link at the specified time.
Meeting-ID: 859 2769 7117
Kenncode: 975301
Please register here:
We look forward to seeing you!
Your organisational team.