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Keys To Creativity
Keys to Creativity is SICA’s exciting new program of workshops — some for the general public and others for Subud members only — that focus on how we can discover, develop, own, use, and express our own creativity in our lives. The initial series of workshops launch in Australia and Europe in 2015.KEYS TO CREATIVITY — EUROPE — (Subud Member Workshop Sessions)
“My Creative Journey” at the Subud Zone 4 Gathering in Budapest, Hungary, May 2015 (pictured below). Sessions were organized and led by Rusydah Ziesel with Gregory Gudgeon assisting.This workshop invites you to take a creative journey with yourself in order to discover, develop, and express your own talents and creativity. It uses an arts-centered approach and a rich variety of materials — paint, paper, colors, music, song, dance, film, media, performance, story-telling. Accompanying kejiwaan sessions helped individuals explore their inner creativity and talent via the wellspring of our development: the latihan kejiwaan of Subud.
“The act of creation,” writes Rusydah Zeisel, “has something essential to do with inspiration and spontaneity. Indeed we will learn to value our intuition, and honor our inspiration and spontaneity. These are our tools.” Or as Bapak said in a talk in Cilandak on New Year’s Day in 1987: “So this is Subud — something spontaneous.”

KEYS TO CREATIVITY — AUSTRALIA — (Workshops for The General Public)
One-Day Workshops — During School Holidays in 2015.
Sessions led by Lee Heather, Agnes Palffi, and Sebastian Flynn.
Lee Heather Session:
Howard Gardner’s Theory of Seven Multiple Intelligences — Learning approaches and types: Visual-spatial, Bodily kinesthetic, Inter-personal, Intra-personal, Musical, Linguistic, Logical mathematical, etc. Creativity expressed via various human ‘intelligences’.The role of mindfulness, stillness and silence in a creative approach. The Sedona Method of releasing emotional or historical blocks and letting go of frustrations to creativity.
Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Agnes Palffi Session:
Capturing the Moment of Ease, Joy, and Playfulness – Creating our Image of This; Jollyphonics; A Moment in Your Life When You Felt Creative; Mindfulness – Brain Gym; How do we Live a Creative Life?
Stories: Looking at a time when you felt creative; Capturing and consolidating a Creative State for you; Diagnosing and Recognising ‘Stuckness’ — Does this reside in your left or right side and how to balance this Project-based Stuckness – Feeling Governed by Routine – Examine and Establish Creative Solution – Vision Setting ”
Small Group Work – Coming Up with a Plan; Collage – Drawing – Dancing – Singing